
Beautify Hexo

Beautify Hexo

These are my method to make my blog better looked.
Still working on it.


Click Number

  1. File path \themes\next\layout\_partials\footer.njk
  2. Add
    <script async src="https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/busuanzi/2.3/busuanzi.pure.mini.js"></script>
    before copyright
  3. In class powered-by add
    <i class="fa fa-user-md"></i><span id="busuanzi_container_site_uv">
    Click Number:<span id="busuanzi_value_site_uv"></span>

pv for repeat counting
uv for distinct counting

No Powered-by

  1. File path \themes\next\layout\_partials\footer.njk
  2. Comment html code in powered-by by <!-- -->

Tag Icon

  1. File path themes/next/layout/_macro/post.njk
  2. Find rel="tag"
  3. Replace # with <i class="fa fa-tag"></i>


Nothing in Tags page

  1. add type: tags in /source/tags/index.md after title

Hexo New “Post” Init

  1. File path /scaffolds/post.md
  2. Add for initializing every times

Delete A Post in Hexo

I surfed on the Internet, only to find that their method didn’t work for me.

My Problem

  1. Delete mac-software
  2. Repost it on May 31st
  3. Still taged as May 29th if set in the same file path

Common Solution

  1. Find file path source/_post/article.md
  2. Remove it
  3. Run hexo clean && hexo g && hexo d

My Solution

If only need to change date posted, just modify the date at the top

All posts generated by Hexo will be as YY/MM/DD/post

I didn’t find a absolutely prefect way for removing a post

It should be ./link

But in Hexo, it will be ../link

URL Setting

  1. Find file path blog/_config.yml
  2. Search permalink
  3. From permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ to permalink: :title/

404 in Tags or Categories


Change a part of tags or categories after generating


  1. File path .deploy_git//.git/config
  2. Find ignorecase
  3. From true to false
  4. Clean and generate
    hexo clean
    hexo d -g

Several Tags in One Article

tags: [HELLO, HEXO]

Several Lines in Description

description: "Hello first line<br>Hello second line"

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